
How to change the android version on bluestacks
How to change the android version on bluestacks

how to change the android version on bluestacks

In the Windows search bar, type “ Device Manager” and press Enter.Head over to Recovery and under Advanced Startup click the Restart button.

how to change the android version on bluestacks

  • Right-click on the Start menu icon on the Taskbar and select Settings.
  • Here is how you can enable virtualization: Some benefits of enabling virtualization are better performance, allowing BlueStacks to use more than 1 CPU core, reducing lag or stutter, games being played at the highest settings available, and more. For those, it is important to note that there is a setting called Virtualization, that provides several benefits, especially when using emulators on your Windows PC.

    how to change the android version on bluestacks

    Well, not many people hold hard-core PC knowledge. So, simply visit the official website and download the latest version of BlueStacks on your PC and see if this fixes the lag issue. With every new version, developers bring bug fixes and also resolve several pending issues detected in the older versions. Make sure that you have the latest version of BlueStacks 5, BlueStacks version to be exact ( at the time of writing this post).

    How to change the android version on bluestacks